You’ve Read the Headlines – Now Read the History!

Holy Terror: The Fundamentalist War on America’s Freedoms in Religion, Politics, and Our Private Lives

by Flo Conway and Jim Siegelman

with a new preface by the authors

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Read more about “Holy Terror — Classic Edition”

In the 1980s, religion and politics, two forces that affect all our lives every day, locked arms in a concerted effort to seize power in government and overturn America’s most basic constitutional guarantee: the separation of church and state. Holy Terror was the first book to expose the coalition of fundamentalist Christians, right-wing ideologues and tech-savvy political strategists who set out to use faith, fear, and intimidation in their war on America’s freedoms and their drive to impose their extreme beliefs on all Americans and people in cultures worldwide.

In this classic edition of their acclaimed 1982 book, with a new preface by the authors, Conway and Siegelman, authors of Snapping: America’s Epidemic of Sudden Personality Change, the seminal study of personality change in destructive cults, religious sects and extremist political groups, reveal how the preachers and political operatives of the fundamentalist right use potent new communication technologies to raise vast sums of money, mobilize millions, elect zealous fundamentalist Christians to public office, and advance far-right social and political goals. To research this new threat they term “holy terror,” the authors crisscrossed the country and interviewed people on all sides of the issues: from targeted senators and congressmen to disillusioned Christians appalled by the new political thrusts of their faith. And, as the authors report, the powerful practices they uncovered are replicating ominously among fundamentalist religious-political movements worldwide.

More timely today than it was four decades ago, Conway and Siegelman’s astute and provocative findings are sure to arouse and enlighten readers of every persuasion.

Stillpoint Press: Classic Edition (2024)
Paperback: 391 pages, $22.95

ISBN (softcover): 978-0-9647650-1-6

E-book: $9.99 / Audiobook: $11.99

ISBN (ebook/audiobook): 978-0-9647650-3-0

Hardcover: 393 pages, $25.95

ISBN (hardcover): 978-0-9647650-4-7

Praise for the First Edition of Holy Terror!

“Sometimes a book comes along that strikes the senses like an alarm bell in the night. . . . Such a book is Holy Terror, a richly-documented account of how religious right-wing groups are undermining our culture, our democracy and our traditional values. . . . Brilliant.

– The New York Times Special Features

“Lively . . . hard-hitting, controversial.”

– Publishers Weekly

“The authors…strike back with style and sophistication.”

– Philadelphia Inquirer

“A stunning and factual documentation. . . . Conway and Siegelman have been reporting on this war almost from its inception, and they are now the master chroniclers.”

– Norman Lear

“An eloquent and frightening description of the dark shadow of the Middle Ages that is now rising and attempting to put an end to all that gives meaning to America.”

– Isaac Asimov

“Anyone who wants to be politically aware should read this.”

– Frank Zappa

“Conway and Siegelman are front-line warriors, afraid of nothing and nobody, evidently, in the desperate battle to keep America sane.”

– Kurt Vonnegut

And for the new Classic Edition . . .

“In 1982, Holy Terror exposed the merging of Christian fundamentalism and politics. It’s a must read for anyone seeking to understand the mechanics of manipulation behind this mindset. Now more relevant than ever before, Holy Terror could not have been released again at a better time. People need to read it and recognize its prophetic narrative.”

– Rick Alan Ross, Executive Director, Cult Education Institute

“Recommended reading.”

– Military Religious Freedom Foundation

“Conway and Siegelman are the authors of the classic work on cults and mind control, Snapping: America’s Epidemic of Sudden Personality Change. Their research into cult psychology and tactics led them in the early 1980s to investigate the nascent Christian Right’s involvement in American politics. They also noticed how much evangelicalism and fundamentalist Christianity had in common with the world of the cults. The new “classic edition” of their book, Holy Terror: The Fundamentalist War on America’s Freedoms in Religion, Politics, and Our Private Lives, gives the reader new perspectives on evangelical involvement in the Trump era.” 

                          – Dr. Clint Heacock, host of The Dismantling Doctrine Podcast
                             (formerly known as The Mindshift Podcast).